I have a small backyard garden and ended up planting 2 of these tomato plants but really only needed 1! We were SHOCKED at how many tomatoes we got every day! As indeterminates go, they grew the fruits and we often collected tomatoes from the same bunch for a bout a week. It was amazing! The plant grew so many stems too well even with consistent trimming, the area where it was planted turned into a jungle haha. The plant also kept growing well into the fall (in Southern California). It slowed down in production, but if we hadn't cut it down it would probably have given us tomatoes until Christmas!
We grew it with a rope attached to a horizontal pole and supported it with the rope. Deep watered every few days, sometimes a bit more in the summer. But the plant never seemed to dry out even with some hot hot CA summer days. No problems with pests except a tomato worm here and there but nothing compared to previous experiences. Also no problems at all with disease. The foliage was green and healthy the whole time! Tomatoes were sweet and usually eaten right off the vine. Definitely going to plant it again this year as it grew fast, stayed healthy, and literally felt like we got a million tomatoes!