Celebrity Hybrid Tomato Seeds
1984 AAS Winner. The most disease-resistant tomato of all enjoys great versatility in all types of growing conditions. This highly publicized tomato captured the home garden and commercial market spotlight long ago and remains the bench-mark of success. Deeply oblate fruits ripen to bright red on medium sized plants. Best grown staked or caged.
- Days to Maturity: 70
- Sow Method: Start Indoors
- Sow Depth: ⅛ Inch
- Spacing: 2 - 3 Feet
- Sun: Full Sun
- Height: 3 - 4 Feet
- Fruit Size: 8 Ounces
- Resistant to:
- Alternaria Stem Canker
- Fusarium Wilt (Races 1 & 2)
- Nematodes
- Tobacco Mosaic Virus
- Stemphylium Gr. Leaf Spot
- Verticillium Wilt
- Determinate