Bulk: Jetsetter Hybrid Tomato Seeds
SKU 93901
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A much improved ‘Jet Star’ that’s earlier, more disease resistant and at least as big! Big, juicy, smooth, uniform, flattened globes with a nicely balanced, sweet, rich taste that mimics that old-fashioned real-tomato flavor. Strong disease package makes it ideal for home gardeners and market growers.
- Days to Maturity: 64
- Sow Method: Start Indoors
- Sow Depth: ¼ Inch
- Spacing: 24 - 36 Inches
- Sun: Full Sun
- Height: 2 Feet
- Fruit Size: 8 Ounces
- Resistant to:
- Alternaria Stem Canker
- Fusarium Wilt (Races 1 & 2)
- Nematodes
- Stemphylium Gr. Leaf Spot
- Verticillium Wilt
- Indeterminate
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