Now Through May Is Time for Planting Onions
Like tomatoes, onions are a staple crop in many home gardens, and we realize many of you do not have facilities or areas inside your home to start onion seeds up to three months before planting, so we offer onion plants to be shipped to you at the proper planting time for your climate. We sell our onion plants by the bunch, each containing 50 to 75 plants, depending on the variety plant size. The minimum order is one bunch of any one variety, and variety bunches can be mixed and matched to suit your personal gardening needs. All orders come with detailed growing instructions.
Onion plants thrive in cool weather and should be ordered early in order to get an early start in the garden. Our shipping policy: “We ship our plants directly from our growing station—starting in mid-January and continuing through the end of May. Shipment is made at the proper time for your location, mainly using the USPS Priority Mail service so your field-grown plants can be guaranteed to arrive safely. We ship onion plants to all the U.S., except Alaska, Hawaii and California. Sorry we cannot ship to foreign countries or U.S. possessions like Guam.”
Onions are members of the lily family, and like many lilies, certain varieties may respond differently to the variations in day-length (daylight hours) between gardens in the South (short-day) and those in the North (long-day) and these requirements are what determine when the onion matures. We offer two long-day varieties for Northern gardeners and two short-day types for the South. However, we also list three day-neutral or intermediate-day varieties that do not respond to day-length and can be grown in any location.
Listed onion offerings include our preferred day-neutral Candy Hybrid (softball-sized, golden-brown skin), Red Candy Apple Hybrid (red version of Candy Apple) and Walla Walla Sweet (large, golden, flattened globe); Northern long-day Yellow Sweet Spanish (large, straw-colored heirloom good keeper) and Copra Hybrid (dark yellow, best keeper) and short-day Southern Yellow Granex Hybrid (Vidalia-type) and Texas 1015Y Supersweet (softball-sized, light yellow globes, similar to Vidalia-types). We also offer a Three-Color Collection, one bunch each of Candy Hybrid, Red Candy Apple Hybrid and Superstar Hybrid (white, day-neutral type), all of which grow well anywhere, 3 bunches total for just $24.95, postpaid.