Mirai® Hybrid Sweet Corn, Goliath Giant Early Bush Tomato Top 2018 Offerings
Featured on the Front Cover of our 2018 Seeds ‘n Such Catalog are new introductions—Mirai® 315BC Hybrid Sweet Corn and Goliath Giant Early Bush Hybrid VFFN Tomato—and we are betting you will want to trial them in your garden next season!
Mirai 315BC Hybrid Sweet Corn (bicolor su/se/sh2) (75 days). “When I owned Vermont Bean Seed Company in the 1990s,” says Seeds ‘n Such Owner J. Wayne Hilton, “There were just three classes of sweet corn: the flavorful su’s like Silver Queen, the tender se’s like Kandy Korn and the ultra-sweet sh2’s like Honey ‘N Pearl. But none of those types compares to the revolutionary breakthrough called Mirai, a brand new class created by crossing all three original classes to yield sweet corn actually sweeter than some fruits.
“Mirai produces 7 to 8-inch ears filled with 16 rows of sugar-sweet, juicy, bi-colored yellow and white kernels on robust, 5 to 6-foot plants,” adds Hilton, “Tip fill is superb, with dark-green husks, and once picked, lasts for 6 weeks if kept in the fridge. Sow Mirai in very warm soil and more shallow than other corns (about 1-1/4 inches). Amazing yields, with good resistance to Stewart’s Wilt and rust. Requires isolation.”
Goliath Giant Early Bush Hybrid VFFN Tomato (49 days). “We’ve all heard it,” says Hilton, “Early tomatoes aren’t very big, and bush tomatoes aren’t very productive. But Goliath Giant Early Bush refutes all these myths. The first new member of the Goliath Series I’ve introduced since my Totally Tomatoes days, new Giant Early Bush is a week earlier than abiding favorite Early Girl, and at 14 to 20 ounces, is as big as Big Beef, our most popular tomato overall.
“The taste?” asks Hilton, “It’s that classic, old-fashioned tomato flavor, that’s both tart and tangy. Technically a semi-determinate with a spread of only 25 inches and a height of 48 inches that’s ideal for the garden or large pots. Requires support due to the weight of the fruits, so caging is recommended”
Also new on page 4 of the catalog is Mirai Mentor Hybrid Sweet Corn (yellow su/se/sh2) (75 days), which Hilton describes as “The newest yellow member of the breakthrough Mirai class of sweet corns. Mentor has highly refined, uniform, 8-inch ears, with juicy, sweet, tender, flavorful, buttery-yellow kernels from stalks growing 6 to 7-feet tall. Maintains its straight-from-the-stalk freshness and sweetness for up to 6 weeks, if refrigerated. Excellent germination. Good resistance to Northern Corn Blight, Rust G and Stewart’s Wilt. Requires isolation.”