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🌱 Mix 'n Match Your Favorite Seeds! 🌿 Get Each Regular-Size Packet For Just $3.25 When You Order 20 Or More!
🌱 Mix 'n Match Your Favorite Seeds! 🌿 Get Each Regular-Size Packet For Just $3.25 When You Order 20 Or More!
Introducing our Early Spring 2020 Catalog

Introducing our Early Spring 2020 Catalog

Welcome back, Gardeners’ Greenroom readers! As we are about to enter Spring 2020, let’s introduce our new blog author, Randy Peele. Along with generations of horticultural knowledge and garden-writing experience, Randy has a rich history with Seeds ‘n Such founder, J. Wayne Hilton. 30 years ago Randy began working with Wayne as the editor of wholesale greenhouse products and seeds catalog ‘HPS’ before eventually adding seed catalogs for three more of Mr. Hilton’s companies to his resume. Randy also served as manager of R. H. Shumway Seed Company’s retail greenhouse business for Mr. Hilton. Although Randy officially retired from any formal roles many years ago, he is still very involved in private horticulture and “real food” activism. We are very excited to have Randy back aboard the Seeds ‘n Such team! Any questions or comments for Randy Peele may be sent to

It’s here! The new Seeds ‘n Such ‘Early Spring 2020 Catalog’ will arrive in mailboxes everywhere starting about December 2nd! From our gorgeous new show-stopping flower, the AAS Award-winning Queeny Lime Mixed Zinnia, to the unique first potato grown from seed, the AAS Winning Clancy Hybrid Potato, we have many new veggies and flowers this season that we think you are going to love.


It’s 2020 catalog time! Although a few of our gardeners, especially in the Deep South, may still be completing this season’s harvest and cleanup for winter, we trust that most of you have already planted your winter season greens and cover crops or mulched well. This will help insure that there will be no bare soil (Mother Nature’s nightmare!) when the cold of winter hits. Now that the 2019 season has been recorded in our journals, this is also the best time to start planning for 2020, and our Seeds ‘n Such Early Spring Catalog is already in the mail to all our customers and to recent requesters of our new catalog. To make certain you receive your copy, click here to request yours today!

Our 35-year veteran seedsman and Seeds ‘n Such founder J. Wayne Hilton has scrutinized all available worldwide sources for the best new varieties to join all our other offerings of guaranteed Non-GMO and untreated seeds. His search has resulted in more than 30 new diverse listings of flowers and vegetables, about half of which have won the prestigious All-American Selections (AAS) Award. This means they have been very productive in carefully-monitored variety trials all across the country. The bottom line is they should perform well for you, no matter where you garden.

Two of these AAS vegetable winners are featured on our front cover—the reincarnation of Derby Snap Bean and the premier introduction of Mountain Rouge Hybrid Tomato VFNLb. Derby, with a reputation as perhaps the greatest bush green bean for flavor and garden performance of all-time, is no longer under PVP protection — meaning its patent has expired and all of us can enjoy its great taste and flavor immediately! Mountain Rouge features perhaps the greatest resistance yet to defend against the dreaded Late Blight disease. Joining this pair on our cover is the latest color of the AAS-Award-winning Wave Petunia Series—Easy Wave Lavender Sky Blue Spreading Petunia, perfect for beds or baskets.

To make certain you get all the new 2020 varieties you desire, order early—before March 31st—but as always, this means that you will also receive two free seed packets for “Early Bird” orders. This year’s free seed special includes a 50-seed packet of our new fast-growing and disease-resistant Newton Basil (prefers soil temperatures above 70 degrees F. for direct seeding outside). Also included free is a new tomato variety, currently named Experimental SV7846TH Hybrid Tomato VFFNTTylc — the most disease-resistant tomato ever offered in our “Free Seeds” program. You’ll want to grow both together, as tomatoes and basils are excellent companion plants, which means both benefit from being planted as neighbors in the garden.

Be sure to consider all of our new varieties to compete against your long-time favorites, and remember these new arrivals all have special features that should provide better yields with less work and worry. Some other must-haves include easy-to-grow AAS Winner Just Sweet Hybrid Snack Pepper; and disease and hot weather-resistant, determinate (bush-type, requires minimal staking) Jamestown Hybrid Tomato VFFASt. And then there’s Sparky XSL Hybrid Tomato, the first tomato to win the AAS Award for extended shelf life, providing up to 3 weeks on the vine after ripening, with no loss of flavor or quality!

Don’t forget our AAS Winner Clancy Hybrid Potato, the first potato grown from seed to insure more genetic diversity—resulting in better quality, improved plant growth and increased yields. It is grown just like your tomato seedlings, sown 6-8 weeks prior to transplanting to the garden. Flower lovers will want to grab our new AAS Award-winning Queeny Lime Mixed Zinnia with huge, showy flowers, excellent for cutting, that bloom all summer long. And for dessert, there’s Blueberry Lime Jam Fuseables Petunia, featuring special technology that fuses tiny seeds of two different petunia varieties into a single pellet, which germinates and grows like a color mix, perfect for color bowls, borders, hanging baskets and large containers.

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