‘English Sweet Long Slim’ Cucumber Is Must-Grow For 2019 Home Gardeners!
“Our new Seeds ‘n Such exclusive ‘English Sweet Long Slim’ cucumber (65 days), is an improvement on the ‘English Long Sweet Crunch’ variety we gave away to Early-Bird-order customers in Spring 2018, and it may well be one of the finest slicing cucumbers ever for the home gardener,” says owner J. Wayne Hilton.
“It’s a bit earlier, a tad sweeter and at 14 inches, just as long and slender!” says Hilton, adding, “These English Glasshouse cucumbers are completely burpless, virtually seedless, super-sweet, slim, crisp and bitter-free. And while they’re so expensive in stores, now you can grow your own and save on the food budget! This variety is self-pollinating, and trellising is best for perfectly straight fruits.”
Hilton also highly recommends ‘Damsel Hybrid’ tomato (75 days), “a new introduction from a new breeder, featuring beautiful deep pink skins covering meaty, 10 to 12-ounce, beefsteak-type fruits, with a flavor profile almost identical to unbeatable Brandywine! Taste is both sweet and rich, but with a tanginess reminiscent of that old ‘real tomato’ taste! Another of its greatest assets is superb resistance to Late Blight, a dreaded tomato disease. Compact, indeterminate plants reach 4 to 5 feet in height, and need support. These beauties are perfect for slicing and in salads.”
Also featured on Hilton’s 2019 must-grow list is our new ‘Goliath Sweet Orange
’ bell pepper (86 days). “It’s the first colored pepper I felt good enough to wear the Goliath name since 1993, and it’s our exclusive!” notes Hilton, “Big, thick-walled, blocky fruits measure 4 to 5 inches, with sugar sweetness; crisp, yet tender texture; and an intense, near fluorescent-orange color. Its short to medium habit is suitable for field, greenhouse or tunnel growing. Fantastic yields from disease-resistant plants. For sweetness, you must try this pepper!”