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A Message from Seeds ‘n Such on COVID-19

To our valued customers,

We here at Seeds ‘n Such wanted to take the time to address the current Coronavirus/COVID-19 outbreak that is effecting the country and our service to you, our valued customer. Currently the outbreak has not affected our geographic area and we are delighted that our staff is still virus free! Like you, Seeds ‘n Such is closely monitoring all world events to keep our staff educated on ways to remain healthy during this time of uncertainty. We are experiencing some delays in shipping, as we are taking the necessary precautions to promote the safety of our staff, and delays from some of our suppliers. Due to unprecedented levels of business and the necessary precautions to protect our staff we will not be able to guarantee dates for delivery of your package. Seeds ‘n Such has suspended our refund policy based upon shipping targets and encourage you to consider that when placing your order. We do still honor our product quality and shipment accuracy. You can read our full Product & Shipping policy here.

Seeds ‘n Such will continue to strive to avoid delays as best as possible so please check our website and feel free to call us at 803-663-1501 or email to check on the status of your order. We apologize for the inconvenience and we look forward to our continued relationship with you for the many years to come. Our continued wish is that everyone, from our staff to our customers, takes necessary actions to remain safe and healthy during this time!

For more information on COVID-19, we recommend visiting the CDC and WHO websites.


Carson Spears
General Manager
Seeds ‘n Such

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